
"How-To" Planting Guide

1. Planting Hole
Dig a hole at least 2x as wide and about the height of the root ball to be planted.

2. Soil Blend
Create a soil blend by mixing 1 part native soil with 1 part FoxFarm® Planting Mix* or your favorite high-quality planting mix. 

3. Remove Container
Hold container on its side and slowly pull at the base of the plant.

4. Score Roots
With your hand pruners locked closed, score the root ball several times to open tangled roots. Loosen roots by hand.

5. Backfill
Place a small amount of your soil blend at the bottom of the hole so the top of root ball/root flare is slightly higher than surrounding native soil.

6. Water
Thoroughly water by filling basin (area inside the ring) with mixture of water and Garden Rich Root & Grow Root Stimulator per the directions. Before watering again, check soil moisture daily.**

7. Mulch
Apply 2" to 3" of 100% Natural Cedar Mulch. Keep mulch from covering root flare.

8. Consult
Contact your local CountryMax Store for proper fertilization, pruning, water, staking methods and further planting details. 

*  If planting acid-loving plants such as azaleas or rhododendrons, we recommend Coast of Maine® Organic Planting Soil for Acid Loving Plants.
** Before watering again, check soil moisture daily. Water only if soil feels damp to cool at depth of 2" to 3". When watering, fill basin slowly 2 times to ensure thorough saturation.

• Water trees and shrubs slowly and thoroughly after planting. 
• The raised soil water ring will help concentrate the water in the root ball.
• Continue to water regularly for first
two years.
• Proper watering is especially crucial during this time as plants work to establish themselves. 
• Deep, less frequent watering is better than frequent, shallow watering.

• Sandy soils drain water much faster
than clay soils.  

• Know how much water each plant type
needs to thrive. 
• Water the root ball rather than the leaves.  
• Morning is the best time to water. Afternoon watering tends to increase chances of water loss through evaporation. Watering at night increases the likelihood of fungal infections.
• Mulch around plantings to reduce evaporation and suppress weeds. 
• Control your weeds – they compete with your plants for water!

PLEASE... Do not dig up any plant material until you’re certain it is dead. Leaf yellowing could be ‘plant stress’ and will clear up with sensible watering.

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