
Norwich CountryMax

Serving Norwich for more than two decades, CountryMax is popular for wood pellets in the fall and winter, and propane refills all year long. We are now #1 for wild bird fans, with more seeds, suet and feeder choices than anyone else. We’re also your dog’s favorite store – thanks to low, better-than-internet pricing on dog food plus a huge selection of toys and treats. Stop in for all of your pet, lawn and garden, equine and small animal needs!


Click here for directions

6265 County Rd. 32 Woods Corners, Norwich, NY 13815



Hours of Operation:

  • Monday - Friday: 9:00-7:00

  • Saturday: 8:00-7:00
  • Sunday: 9:00-5:00

 Manager: Justin Hunt





Uniquely helpful
Norwich, like all CountryMax Stores, takes a real pride in not being the big-box retailer when it comes to customer service. Need help deciding which dog food is best for your fickle Yorkie? Which cat toy Mittens would like the best? An organic solution to a gardening problem? Which bird seed for the specific birds you are trying to attract? Ask us. We know (and if we don't, we'll find out). We carry out all heavy bags/awkward sized purchases without question - it’s not an added service, it is our service. We are your neighborhood country store…and proud of it. We have time to take care of our customers and it shows. See us today!

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