Lawn and Garden Life: April

The snow has melted (we hope) and the birds are singing. April is the time to plan and start your lawn and garden projects. We’re here to help.
April To-Do List
● Start warm weather veggie seeds inside if you have not done so
● Divide bulbs/perennials as needed
● Dig, move and replant shrubs and perennials to more desirable locations
● Clean beds free of leaves and debris
● Cut back ornamental grasses/hydrangeas
● Hard edge your garden beds
● Do some selective hand pruning of deciduous shrubs and trees
● Start your Spring plant wish list

● Find out when last year’s spring frost took place. You don’t want to take your plants outdoors until after that date (keep in mind this changes every year).
● Determine how long the seeds take to produce flowers or fruit. This can help you decide if starting inside is even necessary, and precisely when you want to plant.
● Choose a good indoor growing location. Not every home has a greenhouse. You’ll want to find a warm spot that’s out of the traffic flow. Many seeds thrive with a little extra heat, so the top of the fridge or near a radiator can be the perfect place.
● Get the right light. Sounds obvious, but you’ll want your seeds to get as much sunlight as possible. If you’re starting early in the season, you may need artificial light.
● Read the back of the packet! Wherever you get your seeds, and regardless of how much growing experience you have, it’s important to read the instructions on your current seed packet. If you don’t remember anything else, remember this!
● Yes, you probably need to fertilize. In addition to regular watering, you’ll want to provide fertilizers about every two weeks.

You’ll find seeds, starter kits and supplies at CountryMax from top brands like Burpee®, FoxFarm®, Jiffy® and Miracle-Gro®.