Flock FAQs
Does CountryMax offer any poultry feeds that contain medications?
Yes, CountryMax offers a few varieties of chick starter crumbles that contain medication to protect your young chicks from contracting coccidiosis. Our brands that have medicated options include Country Heritage®, Blue Seal®, and Manna Pro®.
Do you offer any organic poultry feeds?
We offer Manna Pro® Organic Starter Crumbles and Nature Smart® Organics Poultry Feed. If they're not available in your local CountryMax Store, we can order it!
Do you offer any soy-free poultry feeds?
We are pleased to offer NatureWise® Hearty Hen, a soy free layer feed.
Do your poultry feeds contain animal by-products?
• Nutrena® NatureWise® brand poultry feeds do not contain any animal by-products.
• Nutrena® Country Feeds® brand products may contain animal by-products, as they are a good source of amino acids (protein), energy, calcium and phosphorus.
Do your poultry feeds contain genetically modified grains?
Yes. Some of our products may contain genetically modified ingredients. It’s important to remember that all grain is technically genetically-modified, as simple plant breeding is a form of genetic modification. Agricultural biotechnology (including genetically engineering grain in a laboratory to enhance desired traits) is thoroughly researched, regulated, and safe to feed your animal. GMO ingredients are prevalent in the feed supply chain. Because grain for feed is purchased in bulk from large storage facilities, it is not possible to tell which corn has been genetically engineered. It is possible to specifically purchase “non-GMO” grains, but this comes at a premium price. Producing feed with non-GMO grains would be cost prohibitive. The US Department of Agriculture has facts about Agriculture Biotechnology on their website.
What are downsides to having backyard chickens?
While not everyone thinks they’re negatives, here are a few things to be prepared for before you start your flock:
• Chickens require space. Be sure your yard can accommodate them.
• You might get attached. If you’re raising meat chickens, this can be a challenge, especially for kids.
• Chickens make noise. They’re fun and funny. They cluck, cluck, cluck. If you (or your neighbors) are concerned about noise, think before you buy.
• Chickens need attention every day. Like any pet, raising chickens is a commitment.
Do chickens poop all over the yard?
Your backyard chickens will poop everywhere they’re free to go. Think carefully about where and how you would prefer to contain them.
What breeds of backyard chickens are best for first timers?
Here are a few breeds known to be friendly, hardy and highly productive.
• Rhode Island Reds (RIR)
• Orpingtons
• Jersey Giants
• Speckled Sussex
• Araucana chickens
For more about choosing a breed, check out one of our FREE Chicken Chats.