
12 Days of Christmas 2024

Max Rewards members, we’re saying ‘happy holidays’ with 12 days of exclusive deals. Your loyalty deserves some extra magic this Christmas. 

All deals Max Rewards Members only. Exclusions apply. Sales are in-store only. Sorry no rainchecks, special orders, prior sales or post-day sales. CountryMax 
reserves the right to change or cancel sale at anytime.

12/21/24: Excludes stone products, soils, wormers (pet and livestock), Advantage, Advantix, Seresto, Frontline, livestock feed, livestock bedding — shavings, bedding pellets, fuel products — wood pellets, wood brick fuel, propane, charcoal, coal, salt products — water softener, feed grade, ice melters, any sale-priced item not regular price, dog wash, livestock — all live animals, grills, griddles, pizza ovens, gift cards. Discount taken off regular prices and limited to in-stock items only. No special orders. CountryMax reserves the right to limit quantities.


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